Baker – Sheep Farm

Name of Farmer Richard & Annie Barker
Farm County Rye
Size of flock 261
Breed Romney
Heritage of the farm 91 years
Processed UK

Husband and wife duo, Annie & Richard farm together on the edge of the Romney Marsh in Kent of which parts are sites of special scientific interest meaning as environmental stewards they adhere to lots of regulations such as no fertiliser use and minimal herbicide usage to protect endangered species such as the Great Crested Newts and water voles.

The Baker’s shepherd a flock of around 200 Romney ewes of which they are the third generation going back to around 1932 with the help of Ivy their Border Collie. To uphold old shepherding traditions, the Bakers keep one black tag amongst the flock to bring good luck. They love their jobs and are grateful for the time in nature and lifestyle that it brings.